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Pontus Networks Releases Zing Edition of Thread Manager

Wednesday 08 August 2018 14:22:55 GMT  Click:

Pontus’ PVTM was designed to help financial institutions reduce the need for weeks of performance analysis by highly-skilled Java engineers. PVTM is an easy to deploy solution that accelerates software by optimizing the execution layout of threads within production servers. PVTM improves the performance of applications — improving latency in FX pricing systems and delivering better throughput for batch- and Database-centric workloads. The benefits of deploying PVTM include up to 270% performance gains, plus the ability to improve performance in minutes instead of weeks — and without hardware or code changes.

Leo Martins, Founder at Pontus Networks, said: “In a nutshell, Thread Manager reduces capital and operational expenditure by solving a performance problem in a minute as opposed to a month. By offering clients a Zing edition of our solution, we not only guarantee lower latencies, adherence to SLAs and a twenty fold improvement in performance, but crucially we can help eradicate the industry-wide issue of arbitrage. Moving forward, we are looking to work with Azul in the big data space and solve industry-specific issues there as well.”

Scott Sellers, CEO of Azul Systems, said: “Pontus’s decision to work with Azul on developing a joint solution highlights the importance of using the right JVM for Java-based FX applications that require predictable low latency and rapid scalability. In today’s ultra-competitive financial markets where resources are stretched, having a proven joint solution which can be deployed rapidly with zero changes to existing code or hardware offers a great advantage to both buy-side and sell-side institutions.”